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Selectmen Minutes 10/06/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
October 6, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Richard Holloran, Mike Paveglio, Thomas Houle, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Patrick Clarke, Gil Vien, John Dever, Walter Sanborn, John Martell, Alan Mayville and Donna Chagnon

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads:

Emergency Management:  John Martell reports the Hazard Mitigation Plan is still not complete.  Mr. Martell added useful links to our website such as H1N1, FEMA, and Homeland Security.

Police Department:  Chief Clarke reports the Police Department with Fire and John Martell will be attending training at Coe Brown Academy on October 17th.   Chief Clarke is still in the process of having some speed limits adjusted.  The PD renovations are just about complete.  Chief Clarke will be looking for community service volunteers to do some painting.  He will post the need for volunteers on the website.  The food pantry will also be in need of volunteers on December 22nd.
The traffic ordinance was discussed.  It is very much out of date.  Chief Clarke will work with Mr. Plunkett to develop a new ordinance.

Building Inspector: Mr. Dever reports six new starts and 1 apartment.  Mr. Dever also spoke about our meeting with Nextel representative Keith Bursinskas.  The new phones seem to be working better.  Mr. Dever was able to find out that we can get a $34 credit for turning in our old phones.

Health Officer:  Mr. Dever spoke on the recent inquiry of a food cart.  He said that the State would do the inspecting and licensing.  Mrs. Tanner asked the Selectmen if they would like Jamie to work on the Peddlers and Hawkers Ordinance to cover food carts.  It was agreed for Jamie to draft an ordinance.

Highway:  Mr. Plunkett will work with Chief Clarke on the traffic ordinance to include weight limits.  Tree work is progressing.   The Highway Department’s Blazer was hit while it was parked, but there was no damage to the vehicle.  Mr. Plunkett to put signage up on Pound Road indicating that the road is subject to gates and bars.  He will be shimming roads tomorrow.  Discussion ensued about the holes in the Grange parking lot and what a solution might be.  Mr. Plunkett received pricing on 560 feet of guardrail for Deer Meadow and Staniels Road – installed $8,600.00.  Mr. Plunkett will solicit other quotes.   Mr. MacCleery noticed there are some piers at the shed that need to be cut because the posts are standing in water.  Mr. Plunkett will take care of the piers.  The Selectmen reviewed a draft of a letter to a resident regarding the situation on her property.

Fire Department:  Chief Vien reports that the lease on the copier is finally over.  Our Ambulance was hit by another Ambulance on Friday.  The only damage was scratched paint, which Chief Vien has touched up.  Chief Vien wrote a draft policy for the use of Fire Department Vehicles.  The Selectmen will review.  In response to recent questions about the turn over in the Fire Department Chief Vien supplied the Selectmen with reports detailing how many people have left while he was Chief and how many had left under the previous Fire Chief.  The Selectmen will discuss when they have a full Board present.  
Cemeteries:  Mr. Vien consulted the Selectmen regarding two plots that had the wrong number on the deeds.   The Selectmen agreed that Mr. Vien should correct the deeds.

Other Business

Junkyards:  Mrs. Tanner reported that Mr. Pike has received an inquiry for starting a junkyard.  Mrs. Tanner asked the Selectmen if Mr. Pike should draft an ordinance.  Mr. MacCleery did not feel an ordinance was necessary.  The Selectmen will refer the applicant to the ZBA and the Planning Board.

NIMS:  All town employees will need to have NIMS certification.  There is a manual at the Town Office for anyone needing to study and take the test on-line.   

Credit Card Policy: Mr. DeBold will look over the draft policy and suggest changes.  Mrs. Tanner spoke to the City of Concord and our bank about Purchasing Cards.  The bank felt that this type of card would be cost prohibitive for a town our size.  

Space Needs:  Mrs. Tanner looked into the possibility of storing the assessing records digitally to save filing cabinet space.  After speaking with a representative from DRA, Mrs. Tanner recommends looking into storing files digitally going forward, however, to scan and microfiche the existing documents would not be feasible at this time.

ZBA Meeting:  The Selectmen received a response from our Attorney regarding the Noonan case.  The Selectmen will discuss the response next week when they have a full board.

Zoning issues:  Mr. DeBold has set up a meeting with the Weathervane and its neighbors on October 29th to adjust the lighting.
Patten still needs to remove a truck from their property.  The Selectmen will send another letter.
The Selectmen asked Mrs. Tanner to contact the Attorney as to the status of a recent legal matter.
A previous letter send to a Connemara Drive resident was reviewed.  Mr. MacCleery feels that in any zoning matter the Selectmen should give the residents 30 days to respond as they have 30 days to appeal to the ZBA.  Mrs. Tanner made a note of that for future letters.  Mrs. Tanner will draft a second letter to the resident.

PD:  Mr. MacCleery spoke to Chief Clarke about the issue of being on call so many hours.   Mr. MacCleery does not think it is fair for Chief Clarke to be on call so much.  He would like this issue to be addressed.

Professional Development:  The Selectmen signed Mrs. Tanner application to the Local Government Center’s Leadership Academy, for which there is no fee because of the Town’s relationship with LGC.
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to expend $160.00 for both Mr. Pike and Mrs. Tanner to attend Local Government Center’s Annual Conference on November 18 -20th.  Motion carried.

MRI:  The MRI draft report was discussed.  It was agreed that the report contained some useful suggestions.

Rymes:  Mr. Plunkett is not getting delivery tickets from Rymes.  Mrs. Tanner will call Rymes.  
Mr. Vien is having a hard time getting quotes for propane.  He would like to have above ground tanks.  Discussion took place regarding the removal of the underground tank.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $23,172.35

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. MacCleery to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold